Zohar Tal Inbar
Figurative Painter
E-Mail - zohartalinbar@gmail.com
Vernal pool in Beit Queshet
In the summer of 2019 I sat almost every day by a Vernal pool I accidentally discovered.
Sitting by the pool relaxes me and raises thoughts.
As I always do, I began the work thinking of technical issues and how to paint the magical pool,
where the water meet the sky and bushes .
But, after a few weeks there I started to think more deeply.
The "reflection pool" - Bill Viola's work came to mind, as well as the concept of "reflecting pool" Itself.
As a whole- The reflection pools were built in memorial sites and near monuments to symbolize the memory of the dead and to preserve an endless and immortal experience.
The Vernal pool I am now emotionally attached to is shrinking. It has a rich life of birds, amphibians, fish, snakes and insects who feed on it, and will have to look for another place when the pool is dry.
All the natural wealth that exists in the pool is momentary and temporal and fleeting and very beautiful and fragile.
This pool will die and come back to life next winter.